Regulatory Impact Analysis
The regulatory impact analysis (RIA) is a valuable tool for systematic assessment of the expected effects of regulatory proposals. IDM regulatory impact analysis consists of a full report examining the proposed regulatory primary and secondary effect in addition to the cost-effectiveness of the proposed regulation compared to the current state or alternative options. In IDM regulatory impact analysis, we investigate the current situation of the problem, identify alternative options, preform regulatory cost analysis for each option, examine current regulation infrastructure and the readiness of the regulated sector for each regulatory option and finalize our report with recommendations.
IDM Regulatory Cost Analysis
Understanding the costs and cost savings (for all stockholders) of a regulatory proposal assists decision makers to understand the likely impacts on different stakeholders (government, business, or consumers). The IDM regulatory cost analysis includes: direct costs (e.g. regulatory charges, administrative compliance costs; substantive compliance costs; incompliance costs); and indirect costs (e.g. market structures, changes in consumption patterns and the cost of delays, barriers to entry of new businesses, restrictions on innovation). These costs may be borne by businesses, consumers, the community more broadly or government. Thus, knowing that the regulatory option can overweight these costs risk is very important to the successful regulatory decisions.
We provide our regulatory impact analysis for government sectors and industries to increases transparency of the decision making process, provide evidence of rigorous due diligence, insure the need for each regulation, understand the overall (first-order and second-order effect) impact of the regulation.